The Baldiflex Blog

Sleeping with your pet: benefits and risks according to science
The relationship between humans and pets is deep and affectionate, so much so that many owners choose to share not only their home but also their bed with their dog or cat. But what are the real effects of this habit on sleep quality and overall health? Scientific research offers interesting answers, highlighting both advantages and possible critical issues.

Ergonomic pillow buying guide
Choosing the right ergonomic pillow means investing in your well-being and the quality of your sleep. By considering shape, thickness, material, and cover, you can find the model that best suits your needs and improve your rest night after night.
Here are our tips

Online mattresses: find your new discounted mattress at

Container bed: discover the new Baldiflex products

Which sofa to choose for a small living room

How to enjoy the comfort of a hotel room at home?

What yoga postures to sleep well?

How much does a topper cost? Baldiflex proposals

How to thoroughly clean a mattress and how often to clean it